Monday, September 29, 2008

The Whaley House

The Whaley House is on San Diego California. It's actually acknowledged to be one of the 'ghosts houses' by the United States Department of Commerce.The house was built by Thomas Whaley in the spring of 1856 and was occupied by the Whaley family until the death of Corrine Lillian Whaley's death in 1953.

The most well known spirit is 'Yankee' Jim Robinson, who was hanged on the grounds five years before the house was built. He was a thief, and was condemned to hang for his crimes. The gallows were very poorly constructed, which did not make his death quick and painless. He died of asphyxiation instead of a broken neck. This may be a reason as to why his spirit still haunts the area. His footsteps have been heard walking across the floors of the house on the second story. His ghost has been seen between the parlor and the reading room, hanging from a rope.

But he is not the only one haunting this premises. Some say that the house was built near a cemetery, so it's no surprise that it would be haunted.

There is also a man with a mustache, wearing pantaloons, a coat and a brimmed hat. It is believed to be the ghost of Mr. Whaley. He appears very clearly to visitors, but only very briefly before disappearing. Sometimes he appears as a blur, between his office and shuffles papers. He has also been seen walking the grounds, a deep laugh echoing through the house and grounds.

There is also a female ghost, which is thought to be either Whaley's wife or daughter. She has been seen in one of the bedrooms, folding clothes. There has also been a scent of perfume wafting through the house and sometimes cooking. Anne Whaley loved to entertain. Her ghost has also been seen carrying a cradle, and in the mornings, she has been seen tending the flower gardens in the back. A dog has also been seen, which is believed to be the ghost of the Whaley's dog, Dolly Varden.

The Whaley's enjoyed music, and even though they are no longer on this plane, disembodied voices have been heard singing. Musical instruments have also been heard playing in the house.

There is a meeting that seems to still be in session many years later. The apparitions are usually those of men, dressed in nineteenth century attire, who are in the middle of a very important conversation. They are usually very apparent, and if they are not seen, cold spots and drafts are felt throughout the house, with no source.

An woman in a green dress and sits in one of the bedrooms as well as a woman wearing gold earrings also haunts the Whaley House. Neither have been identified.

The most apparent ghost of the Whaley house is a seven-year-old girl named Annabelle Washburn. She died in the kitchen, after running into a clothesline that was exactly the height of her neck. She has been seen and hear, laughing and running through the yard of the house.

A part of the Whaley House was used as a courtroom. Every once in a while there has been sounds and apparitions in the court room, as if the court never left session. In other parts of the house, door knobs rattle, lights swing and windows open and the burglar alarms have been known to malfunction. A billiard games has been heard at times.

The Whaley House is a remarkable spot. When you are there, you can't help but feel an other wordly presence, reaching out from beyond.

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