Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Dalkeith Fire Station

In the Midlothian village, the fire fighters of the Dalkeith fire house are bothered by a slew of paranormal activity. Surprisingly, it doesn't surprise the men of this station. Apparently,  the station was built on the ruins of an eighteenth century abbey. At the time, there had been many excavations on the building, which tends to churn up spiritual activity. The fire men have reported strange noises, eerie screams and loud banging sounds in the middle of the night. The current Commander, Commander Wotherspoon, called the Angels Gateway Spiritualist Church in Bilston, to get rid of the entity, which they believed to be that of a monk. 

The leader of the organization came to try and help out. Through a reading, she determined that there were in fact several ghosts haunting the property, but only one was causing the disturbance. She discovered that the it was the ghost of a monk named Thomas Howard, a monk who had been raised in the abbey, but also dabbled in the dark arts. She also said that he was an evil entity who had done horrible things in life. This ghost was the reason the fire men felt on edge when there because he shifted the energy. 

On the evening of January 23, 2005, the woman and eleven other members went to the fire house in attempts to banish the spirit. They managed to conjure up Thomas Howard, and he spent most of the vigil explaining himself and telling his life story. He also told stories about how he caused the deaths of many people. at one point during the cleansing ceremony, the leader of the ceremony was forced into a kneeling position with her hands close to her chest. The monk explained that this was what he did to his victims. They managed to get the monk to cross over, apparently he just wanted his story to be told before he left this world.

1 comment:

Alan B said...

there was a story in the local paper about a fireman waking up to the ghostly apperition of a monk's head looming over him out of the wall.