Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Phantom Horseman at the Brandywine

16 days till Halloween!
The Phantom Horseman at the Brandywine
No one knows who he is, when he was first seen, or why he is still lingering at the Brandywine battlefield. He is always seen riding horseback in the middle of the battle field on fall nights. Some reports say that he has been seen crossing Chadds Ford in military clothes.

He has also been seen in the Brandywine Valley. People have seen him galloping through the trees and incredible speeds. His face is always pale and emotionless as his rides, always in a hurry.

There are also sightings of him crossing the road, where it crosses across the battlefield. Drivers have spotted the rider galloping towards them as they drive down the road. Drivers usually swerve out of the way startled at what they see. When they look in their review mirrors they are shocked at the lack of a horseman behind them.

Paranormal investigators believe that the ghost is General Mad Anthony Wayne. Apparently, he is looking for the bones from his body that were lost when his body was transported from Erie to his home town of Randor. The Brandywine was the worst loss of Wayne's career. He had received orders from George Washington, who had told him to hold on Chadd's River , that the British were coming. Washington expected Wayne to fight off the British at the Brandywine. When the battle comenced, Wayne and the other American soldiers but up a desperate fight, Wayne ran up and down the battle field, rallying his troops. He refused to admit the loss of a clearly loss battle.

Wayne had been haunted by that battle for the rest of his life. This is why many believe the ghost is Wayne, still fighting in the afterlife.

There are many other theories as to who the rider is. Some even claim that the ghost doesn't have a head. He is also no longer visible than twelve seconds, so it's hard to be sure. He is also said to be brandishing a saber. If the ghost is headless, who died of gout, it's probably not Wayne.

Some believe that there could be two ghosts haunting the Brandywine. It is hard to argue the paranormal activity there, no matter what the event that got the ghost there. His ride is a reminder of the bloody history of our nation's founding

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