Friday, October 10, 2008

Queen Mary 4, 5, and 6

Only 21 days till Halloween!

A Famous Ghost in Life and Death
There is one ghost that has been rumored to haunt the Queen Mary, who was more famous in life than in death. Winston Churchill, England's Prime Minister during the second world war was none to have made many trips on the ship during that time. He would be in the same room every time, which has now been named after him.
There has been many reports of the smell of cigars he would smoke. Many people have complained about the smell. Smoking is not allowed on the boat now and when they go to investigate the source, there isn't one.

Pig n' Whistle
The Pig n' Whistle is an English Pub resturant on the boat. This ghost seems to be a poltergeist. There have been reports of plates flying off of the wall. Pictures have flown from their hangers and the clock on the wall has been seen hanging upside down.

1st Class Ghost
There is a ghost of a well dressed man who is said to haunt the first class suites. The man usually has dark hair and wearing a suit that people say is about thirites attire.

It seems that someone caught the ghost on film. A tour guide was taking pictures of the inside of the boat and one photo, which was of the capitan's tinted mirror, and when the film was developed, a tall dark haired man in a suit appeared in the mirror. The man was wearing a thirties era suit like what had been reported, and the man looked nothing like the tour guide so it couldn't have been him.

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